“One of the things I love most about working with the Girl Choristers at Pembroke is that they are constantly surprising me with what we’re capable of. Winter Time was written by the girl choristers as a group, with everyone chipping in and making suggestions. There have been so many points over the past couple of years where the choristers and I have been chatting and one of them will say ‘can you imagine us doing this 4 years ago’?! I think this EP is all about capturing that sense of achievement, progression, and joy that comes from making music together as a group, growing together and constantly breaking through our own perceptions of what we can achieve, whether that’s writing our own compositions, or singing music in 6-part harmony.” – Anna Lapwood
The Waiting Sky

Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God – Kerensa Briggs
Peaceful Was The Night – James McCarthy
Cradle Lullaby – Owain Park
Winter Time – Anna Lapwood & The Pembroke College Girls’ Choir
Abendlied – Josef Rheinberger